
Looking for a Lisp project?

You're an intermediate to the Common Lisp language and are desperately looking for a practical project to try your Lisp skills at? You're longing for fame and glory?

If that's the case, I have something for you:
  1. write a library to access the Web API provided by launchpad,
  2. afterwards, using that library, make it possible to conveniently add and update tickets in a (not yet existing) bug tracker for clbuild. The tickets are supposed to add/update repository urls.
Sounds interesting? If so, drop me a mail.


SLIME tidbits (2009-10-24)

  • To quickly find out the "revision" of your slime checkout, you can now use M-x slime-changelog-date.
  • Sometimes, e.g. due to character encoding confusion, the Emacs side of Slime can be brought to a dysfunctional state. M-x slime-reset will hopefully get you back to business.
  • Restarts as shown in the Slime Debugger are now numbered reversely. The advantage is that often-existing restarts will now very likely get associated with the same number as you can see on the screenshot below. (Remember that the numeric keys are mapped to invoke the corresponding restarts.) This may mean that you have to invalidate some of your muscle memory -- notice that often-needed restarts do come with a static, symbolic mapping, i.e. q to abort to toplevel, a to invoke the most recently established abort restart, and c to invoke a continue restart.

  • Commands which open an Xref buffer (in particular M-?) do not select that buffer anymore. Instead, you're now supposed to use the commands C-M-. and C-M-, to cycle through the entries in the Xref buffer from within your source buffer. That's more ergonomic from my experience. The intended key sequence is: M-? C-M-. C-x 1 frob C-M-. C-x 1 frob etc.


SLIME tidbits (2009-10-21)

Stas Boukarev just comitted two useful new commands to CVS: slime-open-system, and slime-browse-system.

As you can see on the above screenshot, M-x slime-open-system, or alternatively the REPL shortcut ,open-system, will open all the files listed in a system's .asd file. Optionally, it'll also load the system if it's not already loaded.

And on the screenshot below, you can see M-x slime-browse-system (or ,browse-system at the REPL, respectively) which will open the directory a system's .asd file lays in using dired.



Common Lisp is a wonderfully complex language, and probably no matter how long you've been studying it, you'll always find a thing you didn't know before.

What, for example, do you think #0AFFFF represents?

Perhaps you're thinking of the color turquoise represented as a hexadecimal RGB value?

Well, witness for yourself:
CL-USER> (setf *read-base* 16)

(Bonus point if you know how to restore *READ-BASE* to a value of 10 again.)

Still no idea?
CL-USER> (type-of *)
Right, #0AFOO is literal syntax for (make-array nil :initial-element 'foo).

And, yeah, even though Common Lisp is surely a complex beast, it's at the same time very well engineered. Witness thus:
CL-USER> (defvar *a*
           (make-array nil :initial-element 41))
CL-USER> (incf (aref *a*))
CL-USER> *a*
And if you want to see really quirky stuff, take a look at strings with an element-type of nil.


ANN: Named-Readtables 0.9

The editor-hints project is pleased to announce Named-Readtables.

What are Named-Readtables?

It's a library a) to help you to organize your readtable hacks, and b) to help your development environment to deal with these hacks. For detailed information see What are Named-Readtables? in the documentation.


DEFREADTABLE (analogously to DEFPACKAGE) can be used to specify the content of a readtable.

IN-READTABLE (analogously to IN-PACKAGE) can be used to specify what readtable should be used while compiling a .lisp file.

Named-Readtables has an API very much inspired by the existing API of packages. But see Important API idiosyncrasies in the documentation.


See here.


darcs get http://common-lisp.net/project/editor-hints/darcs/named-readtables/

Release Notes

The release was tagged as 0.9 even though it's actually pretty much a 1.0. Experience tells that no matter how much you try to polish a piece of software, there will be two to three issues. The 1.0 will wait for these issues be reported.


The library has been tested on SBCL, CCL, Clisp, ABCL (head), ECL, Allegro 8.1, Lispworks 5.1.